Dear Seaside Power Yoga Community -
There is nothing more important than the health and safety of our community. We opened our doors during what we had hoped would be the downswing of the Covid pandemic and have operated with cautious optimism for the past several months. We know you all are well aware of the rise in cases and spotlight on Florida as the virus rages on, and we recognize that the way in which we all consume and interpret news and information related to COVID-19 can vary. In the face of uncertainty and differing opinions, it’s a great time to remind ourselves how important the practices of self awareness, mindfulness, and Ahimsa (non-harming) are when sharing space with others.
Here is what we would like you to know about our approach to maintaining a healthy studio environment during this time.
We strongly encourage vaccinations. Simply put, they work and they work well. Masks also work and we welcome and encourage them if you are unvaccinated or if you just feel more comfortable with a mask as an additional layer of protection.
Gone are the days when we would go to a hot yoga class to “sweat it out.” Should you not feel like yourself - if you’re tired, congested, or otherwise symptomatic, please take a few days off. We have a regular practitioner that did that just last week. Out of an abundance of caution he chose to stay home to protect this community, and to be in the real practice of ahimsa. And we love him for it.
If you suspect that you have been exposed to Covid, please take some time off, get yourself tested and consider wearing a mask until you can confirm that you are negative.
Should you test positive for Covid after recently attending a class, please reach out and let us know so we can send good vibes your way and so that we can notify anyone you may have been in close contact with at the studio. Most of our classes offer the opportunity for ample distance between mats but if you’d like more space, reach out to us to inquire about smaller classes or check out our beach classes Monday and Wednesday evenings at 6:45, right across from the studio. Please try and book your class in advance when possible.
We will keep up and comply with local guidelines and mandates should they be implemented. We will continue to deep clean our studio on a regular basis and have asked our instructors to remain diligent in monitoring their own health and exposures. We will continue to use the hands on assisting cards so that the choice remains yours and we'll always disinfect the studio and props after each class.
Be kind, look out for each other and yourselves, and stay healthy. It is our strongest desire to remain safe and open for all that wish to practice and be a part of Seaside Power Yoga.
Most sincerely,
Erin and Leah